Annotated Papers

These papers have been summarized, and in some cases annotated, by Dr. Magda Havas. Click to access summaries for each, as well as links to PDF versions for viewing and/or downloading:

  1. Origins of 1966 U.S. Safety Standards for Microwave Radiation, Steneck, NH, HJ Cook, AJ Vander and GL Kane. Science, Vol. 208, 13 June 1980. 

  2. Bibliography of Reported Biological Phenomena (Effects) and Clinical Manifestations Attributed to Microwave and Radio — Frequency Radiation, Glaser, Z. NMRI, October, 1971

  3. Review of Information on Hazards to Personnel From High-Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation, Healer, J., Pollack, H. Institute for Defence Analyses, May 1967

  4. Cancer Mortality Near Air Force Bases, Lester, JR, Moore DF, Journal of Bioelectricity, 1(1), 77-82 (1982)

  5. Why the Double Standard? – A Critical Review of Russian work on the hazards of microwave radiation. Inglis, LP. IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 14-16 July, 1970

  6. Clinical and Hygienic Aspects of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: A Review of the Soviet and Eastern European Literature, Dodge, C, Biological Effects and Health Implications of Microwave Radiation, Symposium Proceedings, Richmond VA, September 17-19, 1969.

  7. Hazards of Microwave Radiations–A Review from 1960, Quan, K-C, Occupational Medicine, Medical News Letter, Vol 36, No. 10. 18 November, 1960, p 29-34.

  8. Emission and Exposure Standards for Microwave Radiation: Repacholi Revises Safety Code 6, Repacholi, MH, IEEE Meeting, Toronto, ON, September, 1977.

  9. Mortality in Rats Exposed to CW Microwave Radiation, Polson, P, Jones, DCL, Karp, A, Krebs, JS, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California, January, 1974.

  10. Navy Exposes Military Volunteers to Microwave Radiation, United Feature Syndicate, 1972.

  11. Radiation Survey of Dielectric (RF) Heaters in Canada, Stuchly, MA, Repacholi, MH, Lecuyer, D, Mann, R, 1980.

  12. Some Considerations Concerning the Use of Magnetron Generators in Microwave Biological Research, Reno, VR, 28 May 1975.

  13. U.S. Navy Air Engineering Center Heating of Living Tissues, Schwan, HP, Anne, A, Sher, L, Aerospace Crew Equipment Labratory, 18 February, 1966.

  14. The Challenge of Nonionizing Radiation: A Proposal for Legislation, Massey, KA, Duke Law Journal, Volume 1979, No. 1.

  15. Protection From the Effects of Radio Waves in the Maritime Industry, Kulikovskaya, YL, USSR Translated by the Joint Publications Research Service, Department of Commerce, USA.

  16. Influence of Microwave Radiation on the Organism of Man and Animals, Petrov, I.R. (Ed). 1970., Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, translated by National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA TT F-708.

  17. Biological Effects of Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields, Nair, I, MG Morgan, and HK Florig, 1989. Background paper as part of OTA’s assessment of Electric Power Wheeling and Dealing:  Technological Considerations for Increasing Competition, Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, Congress of the United States, Office of Technology Assessment, 110 pp.

  18. The Effects of Microwaves on the Central Nervous System. Translation from the German for Research and Scientific Labratory, Ford Motor Company by the Technical Library Research Service. 82 pp.

  19. Index of Publications on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation (0-100GHz), James Kinn with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Elliot Postow with Naval Medical R&D Command, 1980.

  20. Early Research on the Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation: 1940-1960, Cook, H.J., N.H. Steneck, A.J. Vander, and G.L. Kane. 1980.  Early Research on the Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation: 1940-1960.  Annals of Science 37:323-351.

  21. The Physical Basis of Electromagnetic Interactions with Biological Systems, Taylor, L.S. and A.Y. Cheung (editors).  The Physical Basis of Electromagnetic Interactions with Biological Systems.  Proceedings of a workshop held at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, June 15-17, 1977.  410 pp.

  22. Biological Effects and Health Implications of Microwave Radiation, Cleary, S.F. (Editor). 1970. Biological Effects and Health Implications of Microwave Radiation, Symposium Proceedings, Richmond Virginia, September 17-19, 1969. Sponsored by Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University with the support of Bureau of Radiological Health, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Environmental Health Service. 275 pp.

  23. Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation-Radiowaves and Microwaves-Eurasian Communist Countries, Adams, R.L. and R.A. Williams.  1976.  Prepared by U.S. Army Medical Intelligence and Information Agency Office of the Surgeon General and was released by the Defense Intelligence Agency.  34 pp.  Unclassified.

  24. Development and Clinical Course of Cardiovascular Changes After Chronic Exposure to Microwave Irradiation, JPRS 51238, Arlington, VA, Joint Publications Research Services, 25 Aug 1970, 3 pp.

  25. A Review of International Microwave Exposure Guides, JON R. SWANSON, Ph.D.,* VERNON E. ROSE, and CHARLES H. POWELL, Sc.D. International Labour Office, Geneva, Switzerland, and the Bureau of Occupational Safety and Health, Public Health Service, 1014 Broadway Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.

  26. Report on the Safety From Electromagnetic Radiation in and Around the CN Tower, Health and Welfare Canada, Health Protection Branch, MH Repacholi and MA Stuchly, Radiation Protection Bureau, Environmental Health Centre, Ottawa, 1977, 53 pp.